Hello <<First Name>>,
So, over the past four months, I have been listening to people talking about podcasts they’re listening to on the run because they’re so busy that they struggle to make time to read, or they’re too tired! There are so many things contending for our attention nowadays, that one of the first things people tend to sacrifice is spending time with the Lord in the Word.
My heart is to reach people and help them grow in their relationship with God, and the daily devotional is one of the ways in which I do that. One of the things that I have been thinking about over the past few months is that If I want to continue reaching people I need to continuously be open to the direction of the Holy Spirit and be flexible in the way I do things.
With that in mind, I am excited to announce that I will be launching a devotional podcast to replace the written daily devotional. I believe that this will be more effective in reaching people. It isn’t “goodbye” to written work as I will still be writing from time to time, however, you will now be receiving short devotional audios in the place of devotional articles. These audios are still aimed at helping you grow in your relationship with God and I know that they will be a blessing to you!
The audio devotionals will be about 5 to 7 minutes long, and I will be sending them out on email every day, except Sunday. I pray that this change will bless you, and please agree with me that it is going to reach a whole new audience with the message of God’s unconditional love and grace! Please help me spread this good news by forwarding the audios to your friends and family, and sharing them on social media. Together we can reach many more people for Jesus!
Much love to you,
Shayne Holesgrove
Here’s the first episode:
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