🌟 Receiving your miracle

“Then Mary said, “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word.” And the angel departed from her.”
Luke 1:28 NKJV Mary received the Word from God that came through the angel. She agreed with God’s Word. The Bible calls the Word of God “seed” (Mark 4:14; 1 Peter 1:23). When Mary received the Word (or Seed) of God into her heart, that’s when the Holy Spirit came and placed Jesus in her womb. “The angel replied, “The Holy Spirit shall come upon you, and the power of God shall overshadow you; so the baby born to you will be utterly holy—the Son of God.” Likewise, when we receive God’s Word into our hearts, it produces whatever it should. All we need to do is receive the Word by believing God. Do you need healing in your body? Do you need financial provision? Whatever your need is, if there is a seed (word) of God in the Bible concerning your situation, take that seed and meditate on it, pray over it and declare it over your life. After Mary received God’s Word, it took a few weeks to start showing, and it took nine months for complete delivery. If you receive God’s Word for your situation, in due season it will produce. “Blessed is she (Mary) who believed, for there will be a fulfilment of those things which were told her from the Lord.” |
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