A great investment opportunity!

of ministry part of which is to train up ministers to plant healthy grace and faith churches, especially in unreached areas of the world. I want to give you an opportunity to sow financially into this!
Did you know that about a third of the world is completely unreached? That means that a third of the world’s population do not have access to a church (never mind a good one) nor do that have access to a Bible in their language, nor do they even know 1 Christian.
It’s been said that Church Planting is the most effective form of missions and if you think about it, investing into planting a church is investing into something which will have both a generational and eternal impact!
In partnership with Mark Machen and Life of Faith Church in Birmingham, Alabama, we (as GraceLife) have put together a church planting school which will help to train up and send out men and women to plant and establish healthy churches around the world. The School will be running for 9-full days in July and classes will also be given by Benjamin Conway (Tree of Life Church Network in the United Kingdom), Greg Mohr (Director of Charis Bible College, Colorado) and Rob Rufus (Lead Pastor of City Church International, Hong Kong). Amongst us, there will be a wealth of experience and wisdom to help invest in reaching people and discipling them through church planting.
You can check out more information on the School by clicking here!
A few weeks back at GraceLife I taught on “Living the MIssion”. I encourage you to watch the teaching by clicking below:
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