All-access pass ▶

“Our faith guarantees us permanent access into this marvelous kindness that has given us a perfect relationship with God. What incredible joy bursts forth within us as we keep on celebrating our hope of experiencing God’s glory!”
Romans 5:2 The Passion Translation (TPT)
The moment that you said “yes” to Jesus you became united with Him and now you are one with Him (1 Corinthians 6:17). The truth is that no matter how far you feel from God, you’re as close to Him as you’ll ever get! You have permanent access to Jesus! It’s the perfect relationship because it isn’t based on your performance but on your faith in His performance on your behalf.
Many Christians live powerless lives and suffer from all sorts of negative emotions because they don’t feel close to God and they are trying hard to do things to get closer to God – they feel that God isn’t listening to them or isn’t close to them because they haven’t repented enough or haven’t lived holy enough, but that’s not true. Don’t allow your life to be dictated by your feelings – base your life on the truth of God’s Word no matter how you feel! God doesn’t relate to you based on your performance but based on your faith. Through Jesus, God has opened the way for you to have a perfect relationship with Him – it’s not about what you do but what Jesus has done! The door to intimacy with God is open and anything that could have blocked you is now gone – faith (not your holiness) is your all-access-pass which grants you permanent access to God.
“Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”
Hebrews 4:16 KJV
“Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus”
Hebrews 10:19 KJV
You already have an invitation to come boldly into intimacy with God because of what Jesus has done for you. His blood qualifies you, not your efforts to be holy (Hebrews 10:10).
Your wrong beliefs are the only thing holding your back from a great relationship with God. Jesus has dealt with the sin barrier, and yes, sin will still have effects and consequences on you and those around you, but the barrier of sin has been removed, God is no longer offended at your sin because Jesus paid for it, and the pathway for you to have a great relationship with God is now open!
When you start to see things the way God sees them you will start to step into a deeper intimacy with God, it will cause you to live holier and you will start to have the boldness to walk in the power and authority that is yours as a child of God.
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