Called according to His purpose – Saturday, 18 November

Called according to His purpose - Saturday, 18 November
“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”
Romans 8:28 KJV
This verse does not say that all things come from God. A lot of people misquote this verse to mean that everything that happens in life is God’s will – but that is simply not true. Believing that everything that happens in life is from God will cause you to embrace everything that comes your way including the attacks of the devil. You won’t resist the devil and his works (James 4:7) because you wrongly believe that God has allowed or sent the attack. If you believe like that, then you don’t know the true nature of our loving heavenly Father.

Believing that everything (the good and the bad) in life comes from God, breeds passivity and will cause you to submit to the problems that come your way. If you submit to it then you’re empowering it, and that makes it even more difficult for you to get out of it. Everything in your life isn’t from God – death, destruction and loss are from the enemy (John 10:10). God is a good Father and the giver of good things (Matthew 7:11; James 1:17).
If we, who love God, are making intercession in the Spirit, then we’ll be able to take whatever attacks the devil throws our way and work them together for our good. This verse adds that all things work together for good to them that love Godto them who are called according to His purpose.
“…For this

purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.”
1 John 3:8 NKJV
Jesus’ purpose was to destroy the works of the devil. If we are not
operating in the same purpose by resisting (actively fighting against) the works of the devil, then we are submitting to the problems that the enemy sends our way. Things will not work out for our good unless we’re submitted to God and resisting the devil and his works. If we do not resist, the devil will not flee and we will continue to suffer. If you’re experiencing an attack from the enemy, you need to actively fight against the attack. God won’t resist the devil for you – it’s your job. He’s given you the authority to whip the devil and see him flee.
“For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.”
1 John 5:4 NKJV
One of the ways that we can actively fight against the devil and overcome any attack is through our faith. As a Christian, you have world-overcoming faith. You just need to know how to release it.


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