Deal with strife before it deals with you.

Deal with strife before it deals with you.

“For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.”
James 3:16 NKJV


Strife is angry or bitter disagreement; it’s conflict between two or more people. The Bible warns that strife is severely dangerous. Tolerating strife in your life, in your family, marriage, relationships and in our church is like finding a poisonous snake in your house one day and not doing anything about it. You invite people into your home; allow your kids to play there and you even sleep there all while the snake is waiting to strike you. At any moment it will catch you by surprise and the consequences may be severe.
Scripture shows that envy and strife open up the door to every evil work. It’s like a green light for the enemy to come and kill, steal and destroy. We might be trying to operate in faith for healing or to walk in the blessing of God but if there
is envy and strife in our hearts it will counter our faith. Envy and strife are luxuries we cannot afford. You will not be able to prosper with these demonic characteristics operating in your life. You need to deal with strife before it deals with you!

 “Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First, be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.”
Matthew 5:23-24 (NKJV)

Jesus isn’t saying that you have to, or that you’ll even be able to be at peace with everyone. Jesus experienced persecution and He said that we would too, but Jesus didn’t have strife in His heart, and neither should we. This verse is stressing the importance of doing what we can to build bridges with people. Even if they don’t receive our goodwill, and if they maintain their strife towards us, we can make sure that our hearts are clean and peaceful towards them. If we know that a brother (someone close) has an issue with us we should seek to build a bridge and reach out to them.  This is because unity amongst God’s family is so important to Him. If someone is at odds with you – seek to reconcile. If they don’t receive it, don’t stress. Do what you can and be sure to not burn the bridge.

Deal with strife before it deals with you.


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