🔥 Microwave destiny?

“While the earth remains,
Seedtime and harvest… Shall not cease.”
Genesis 8:22 Amplified Bible (AMP)
“All by itself it sprouts, and the soil produces a crop; first the green stem, then the head on the stalk, and then the fully developed grain in the head.”
Mark 4:28 The Passion Translation (TPT)
You have a destiny, and it’s not just about a destination but the journey, too. Sometimes we can get frustrated and even discouraged when things don’t happen automatically or like we think they should. We wonder why we aren’t where we should be (by now) or why things aren’t happening the way we know that they should be. We forget that there is a natural process to fruitfulness. There is a time to sow seed and then time to wait for that seed to germinate and grow into a fully developed plant which produces fruit. Then it’s time to harvest from what you have sown.
A home-cooked meal is always better than fast food and even a microwave meal, but home-cooking always takes longer. In our microwave culture, we expect things to happen supernaturally faster than they usually can. We can heat up something in a microwave in a few seconds rather than a good few minutes and yet we still want the microwave to go quicker. The process of getting from where you are to where God is calling you to be is going to take time. There is no way that you can successfully microwave your destiny. So, relax and enjoy the journey with Him! Focusing on getting to where you know you should be will probably cause frustration to arise in your heart because you’re more interested in your tomorrow than you are in your today. Remember that today is a large part of your tomorrow and the decisions that you make today will determine your success or failure tomorrow. Enjoy the journey that you are on and keep focused on the most important part of your journey which is your relationship with God, today.
“…let us run with endurance and active persistence the race that is set before us, 2 [looking away from all that will distract us and] focusing our eyes on Jesus, who is the Author and Perfecter of faith…”
Hebrews 12:1-2 Amplified Bible (AMP)
You have a race set out before you and God sets your race for you. You don’t get to choose your race – you get to choose whether you’re running His race for you or your race for you and you’ll never be truly satisfied in trying to do your own thing. You need to embrace what He has for you and then to successfully run His race for your life you need to keep your focus in the right place – on your relationship with Jesus!
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