How to be 100% right with God.

Your heart is for God. You desire to live a life which pleases Him and you really want to grow in intimacy with Him. Most of my life I have desired greater intimacy with the Father, and I did many things to try and obtain it but the truth is that all the fasting and good works on my part didn’t help at all. I never got as close to God as I knew I could. Then one day I received a revelation from God which helped me effortlessly grow in intimacy with God.
I was constantly focused on what I could do or shouldn’t do to try and get closer to God. In reality, what that is, is idolatry. I was focused on myself and my performance. I was trying to earn intimacy with God as a reward for my good behaviour and my effort. I wasn’t focused on Jesus and His finished work. When I started focusing on what He did for me, it transformed my life.
“For God took the sinless Christ and poured into him our sins. Then, in exchange, he poured God’s goodness into us!”
2 Corinthians 5:21 Living Bible (TLB)
Did you realize that you are full of God’s goodness? God has poured His goodness into you! The King James Version of this verse says, “For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” In other words, perfect Jesus became what we were so that we could be made what He is – perfectly right with God! Jesus took all your sin and then filled you up with His goodness (righteousness). He paid your debt of sin and made you 100% righteous. We cannot make ourselves right – righteousness is a gift that we receive from Him (Romans 5:17). We are not right with God because of anything we do but only because He made us right. Through Jesus’ finished work on our behalf, we have full access to God, and we are united to Him and can enjoy a deep and intimate relationship with the Father. What you do doesn’t give you intimacy with God, rather, realizing who you are (a child of God) builds intimacy with the Father.
“…all that Jesus now is, so are we in this world.”
1 John 4:17 The Passion Translation (TPT)
You are a spirit that has a soul (mind, will and emotions) and you live in a body (1 Thessalonians 5:23). You may not always act or think like Jesus, but in your spirit you are perfect – you are identical to Jesus! Your spirit is an identical twin to Jesus. As Jesus is right now, so are you in your spirit-man. Did you know that your life is following the path of your dominant focus? (Galatians 6:8) The more you see yourself as God sees you (in Christ and in the spirit) the more you will start to act like Him (Proverbs 23:7). When you start seeing yourself like God sees you, your relationship with Him will deepen in intimacy, but it cannot deepen if you haven’t accepted the truth that sin is no longer an issue between you and God (See John 1:29; 1 John 2:2). You are forgiven! Completely! God sees you as a saint and as a saint you shouldn’t be sin-focused but Saviour-focused. God is no longer remembering your sin (Hebrews 10:17) and you shouldn’t either. The Almighty, Creator of the universe has said that He will not remember our sins anymore and so that must mean that your sin is no longer an issue! Jesus dealt with everything that could possibly hinder your relationship with God! He eradicated every blockage and dealt with every problem. Nothing stands in the way of you having an intimate relationship with Father God.
The only thing that would prevent you from enjoying a close intimate relationship with God is the ignorance of your spiritual condition now that you are in Christ. God has forgotten your sin, but you might struggle to do so. As long as you are holding your sin against yourself (self-condemnation) you will not enjoy an intimate relationship with God like you could. I like how the Mirror Bible puts Romans 8:1. It says, “Now the decisive conclusion is this: in Christ, every bit of condemning evidence against us is cancelled.” There is no condemnation, guilt, shame or unworthiness for you because you are in Christ!
By receiving Jesus and becoming a believer you automatically become 100% right with God, 100% of the time for the rest of your life. Now you are a saint; a holy one! You are 100% forgiven! It’s not something that’s going to happen; it’s a done deal! You are 100% united with Christ, 100% of the time. You are 100% right with God, 100% of the time for the rest of your life!
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