My cup runs over!

The Holy Spirit guides us into all truth; He doesn’t push us into truth. He guides – but we need to be attentive to His leading and we need to choose to follow. And when we follow His leading (His divine wisdom) it will result in protection and blessing.
“My cup runs over” speaks of abundance, excess and prosperity. Because of what Jesus did for you, you have this blessing and provision in all its fullness. It’s yours. But experiencing this blessing isn’t automatic in our lives; we receive it by faith, which is expressed by trusting God enough to follow His leading. God is not the God of enough; He is the God of more than enough. He doesn’t want to just give you enough to satisfy your needs, He wants to bless you so that you can be a blessing (Genesis 12:2). His will for you is that you prosper and be in good health (3 John 2). He is a good Father who wants good things for you.
“And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day.”
Deuteronomy 8:18 (NKJV)
God gives you power, or ability, to get wealth. He anoints (or enables) you with skills, talents and wisdom that together cause blessing to flow in your life. God promised that whatever you put your hand to shall prosper (Deuteronomy 28:8). As you use His wisdom and put your hand to something (work) you will see the blessing flow.
The purpose of “my cup runs over” is “that He may establish His covenant” (spread the Gospel). God wants you to experience His goodness by having your cup running over, but also so that you can be a blessing through giving to help expand His kingdom.
By receiving the Holy Spirit and following His leading you’ll experience protection, blessing and empowerment to be successful and reign in life. This causes your “cup to run over”. As you follow His leading, you’ll experience abundant provisions, so that you will have more than enough to be a blessing and help expand His kingdom by freely giving of my heart, talents, time and resources. God is your partner (He helps you to be successful and have your cup running over) and you are His partner (in that you help to advance His gospel throughout the earth by using part of the wealth that you get from His blessing)!
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