Priorities – Seek first.

“Therefore do not worry or be anxious (perpetually uneasy, distracted), saying, ‘What are we going to eat?’ or ‘What are we going to drink?’ or ‘What are we going to wear?’ For the [pagan] Gentiles eagerly seek all these things; [but do not worry,] for your heavenly Father knows that you need them.”
Matthew 6:31-32 AMP
Jesus is encouraging you not to worry or be anxious; He’s even encouraging you not to be distracted by your needs. The unbelievers are rightly concerned about these things and seek after making ends meet – but you have a loving heavenly Father who knows your needs and who wants to supply more than enough to meet your needs and for you to be a blessing to others. Jesus said that you shouldn’t be distracted by needs and your prayer-life shouldn’t be about making ends meet. The question that we need to ask is: “What is this thing that we shouldn’t be distracted from?”. The next verse gives us the answer:
“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”
Matthew 6:33 NKJV
Our focus shouldn’t be making ends meet and seeking after money; we should be focused on God and His kingdom. This has a number of applications, but it really just means that God should be our number one priority – which results in us seeking Him more than we seek anything else. According to the world, you need to seek after money and making ends meet. But according to God’s kingdom, we seek God and make Him our priority – and provision and prosperity come to us.
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