The abundant life – there’s more! – Monday, 25 September

The abundant life - there's more! - Monday, 25 September

Whatever your situation is today, whatever you are going through, no matter how bad or how good it may be, I want to stir you up by telling you that: It can certainly be much better than it is!

“The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].”
John 10:10Amplified Bible (AMP)

Jesus didn’t come to give you a mediocre life. He didn’t give His life so that you could just make it. Jesus died and conquered death for you so that you could have and enjoy life and have it in abundance – to the full, till it overflows. Jesus came to give you an abundant life!
Ephesians 3:20 says that He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.  This is huge: anything that we can dream of or desire is exceeding, abundantly far below what God’s got for us.
We really need to discover what God’s got for us otherwise we will settle for everything short of His best for us. It can be much better than it is! I don’t think there’s any single person in the world that has a full revelation of what God wants for them. It doesn’t matter how spiritual you think you are or how close you are to Jesus: it can be much better for you. 
We live in a fallen world and so things go wrong, and where our enemy (the devil) comes to cause problems in our lives (he comes to steal, kill and bring destruction – not God!). We do not believe for challenges to come but challenges will come. We are not exempt from troubles in this world, but we do not have to be troubled!

Jesus came so that we would have and enjoy life to the full. In Him, we can experience victory over whatever the world or the devil throws at us. Victory in Christ isn’t the absence of problems but dealing with the problems and negative circumstances in such a way that we overcome and never lose our joy and peace! 
God didn’t pay such a heavy price – Jesus on the cross – so that we could live a mediocre life and live in defeat and in bondage. Most of us settle for defeat or bondage because it is manageable. We can manage debt or chronic illness. We think: “It’s not all that bad – I can deal with this”.  Or we feel that God should rather do something big for someone who really needs it, while we just manage with our little problem. We act as if there is not enough power to go around for everyone – this reveals a poverty/ shortage mentality. We all have got to start seeing how big our God really is, and then it will be easier to trust Him for more.

Much love,



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