The key to a perfect relationship with God. 😇

You cannot act consistently in a way that is inconsistent with the way that you see yourself. You may say the right things but what you truly believe about yourself in your heart is what will eventually surface (Proverbs 23:7). If you believe that you’re a failure, even if you’ve never verbalized it, you will eventually fail, consistently. If you believe that you’re a sinner saved by grace, then you’ll sin a lot because you see that as your identity. The Bible says that you were a sinner – now you are dead to sin (Romans 6:1, 10) – and because you’re in Christ (a believer) you are now the righteousness of God (2 Corinthians 5:21). The more you believe who God says you are (no longer a sinner but a saint) the more you’ll start to act like it.
“Our faith in Jesus transfers God’s righteousness to us and he now declares us flawless in his eyes. This means we can now enjoy true and lasting peace with God, all because of what our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One, has done for us. 2 Our faith guarantees us permanent access into thismarvelous kindness that has given us a perfect relationship with God. What incredible joy bursts forth within us as we keep on celebrating our hope of experiencing God’s glory!”
Romans 5:1-2 The Passion Translation (TPT)
When you put faith in Jesus something supernatural happened! Your faith in Jesus activated a heavenly transfer of God’s righteousness from Him onto you – you are now counted as righteous because of faith, not your performance! You didn’t do anything right to become righteous you just believed right, and it made you righteous. Now you are flawless – 100% perfect – in God’s eyes! God’s opinion of you is that because of your faith in Jesus, you are counted as 100% righteous and because of this, you have true and lasting peace with God. Religion will try to make you feel that as soon as you act wrong God is going to punish you – that’s not peace! Religion often makes God seem like an erratic, temperamental being who is ready to burst with anger at any moment if you step out of line, and so you better tread carefully because you’re walking on eggshells. However, that’s not true! The Bible shows us that when we put faith in what Jesus did for us, we receive the gift of God’s righteousness (an identity) and we accept and receive the peace that God has offered to the world (through Jesus’ sacrifice). This peace with God (because of faith in Jesus and not our performance) enables us to enjoy a perfect relationship with God.
Did you get that? When we base our relationship with God on what Jesus has done for us and not what we do for Him, we can enjoy the best kind of relationship with Him – a perfect relationship! But when we base our relationship with God on our performance – how holy we try to live, our fasting, our giving, our knowledge of the Word, our good works, etc. – then it will be a flawed relationship. To have a perfect relationship with God you need to base it on faith, not performance, and when you do base it on faith in what Jesus has done for you, it will result in a fruitful life and incredible joy will burst forth within you!
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