Your inheritance is waiting to be claimed.

“16 And I pray that he would unveil within you the unlimited riches of his glory and favor until supernatural strength floods your innermost being with his divine might and explosive power.”
Ephesians 3:16 The Passion Translation
This is one part of one of the prayers that the apostle Paul prays over his readers and it’s a great prayer for the new year! You may have some sort of goals, dreams or desires for the year and I am not against that but one of the problems with having them is that you tend to see yourself in a deficit. If you’re not careful and you constantly focus on yourself with a negative filter, you’ll end up forming a negative impression of yourself in your heart and because we become what we behold (Proverbs 23:7), it will end up like a self-fulfilling prophecy – you’ll end up struggling to accomplish or achieve what you’ve set your heart on, and it will make you frustrated and tired.
Paul prayed that we’d have a revelation of the unlimited riches of his glory and favour that’s within us.  This is not a prayer to obtain something that we don’t have but rather it’s a prayer to come to know what we already have within us! The moment you say yes to Jesus and get born again, you are blessed with every spiritual blessing because you are in Christ (Ephesians 1:3). You cannot get any more blessed than you already are! You may not be experiencing that blessing in your life but you’ve got it – it belongs to you. It’s like the person who struggles financially and never opens their mail in fear of another bill, and yet there’s an unopened letter concerning an inheritance worth millions that need to be claimed by them. They’re struggling and suffering for nothing! Likewise, a lot of believers are trying to obtain God’s blessing when in actual fact it is already theirs. They’re trying to obtain glory and favour but it’s already inside of them.
The more we realize what we have inside of us because of who we are in Christ, the more supernatural strength, divine might and explosive power we will experience.  Stop focusing on the apparent lack around you and start focusing your heart on the abundant supply that’s within you!
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