Faith holds to one opinion

Faith holds to one opinion

Romans 1:17 New King James Version (NKJV)
For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “The just shall live by faith.”
Those who are justified (Romans 5:1) shall live by faith. This is the key to living the normal Christian life: living by faith! Living by faith isn’t something that’s reserved for “super saints” it’s for every believer. We should be different to the world, especially in the way that we respond to crises and difficult situations because unlike the world, we have a hope that goes beyond what we see. We have promises – God’s Word – and He is faithful. All we have to do is believe.
Romans 4:20 King James Version (KJV)
He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God
The English word for “staggered” can also be translated “wavered” or “hesitant”. What this is showing us is that Abraham didn’t think about anything that was contrary to what the Lord had told him; he did not hesitate or waver in his faith. Abraham did not consider another opinion, he only considered what God’s word had said. If you want to see the manifestation of the promise in your life, whether that’s in the area of healing, finances or whatever, then you need to believe God and not stagger at the promise of God. Here’s some good news: it’s actually effortless to believe God! It’s easy! It’s a natural result or byproduct of focusing on Jesus, on His gospel and on His promises. As you focus on Jesus and His promises, faith will rise up in your heart and as you choose to go with that faith and choose not to hold her between two opinions, you’ll see your breakthrough. Holding between two opinions would be like when you know God said something but what you feel or what someone else said is causing you to be undecided on the matter. I don’t care what I feel like right now because my feelings are subject to my belief and I believe I’m healed. Whatever I feel needs to go in Jesus Name. We should be governed by God’s Word and not by what we feel.
Abraham knew that he was old but God told him that he was going to have children, and if God said it why would a mere man disagree with God? We need to choose to believe the Word of God. Romans 4:19 says that Abraham was not weak in faith and that he didn’t consider his own or his wife’s body’s abilities. They were old and they didn’t have the ability to bring the promise of God to pass. Considering their ability to bring the promise to pass would have caused them to waver in unbelief. If you want to see the promises of God come to pass you mustn’t consider your ability to bring it to pass because the Word of God itself contains the power and ability of God in it, to bring it to pass. All you need to do is trust God. Don’t focus on the natural facts of your situation because that’s only going to generate unbelief in your life. We need to allow faith to be built up in our lives and in our hearts and we do that by filling ourselves with God’s Word not with the facts of our circumstances. If you know more about your medical condition than you do about what God’s Word says on healing, then you’re setting yourself up to waver in unbelief. We shouldn’t consider anything other than God’s Word. When you have to make decisions, seek God. And when you know that God is leading you to do something, do it no matter what the circumstances. If you start to consider why other options might be better, you will waver in unbelief. You will stagger. You might make wrong decisions; decisions which lead you out of God’s plans for your life.
Romans 4:20 King James Version (KJV)
He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God
Strong faith praises God and gives glory to God! When we give glory to God our faith is strengthened. Faith rejoices in the promise before it sees the manifestation. We don’t just celebrate when we see the answer, we celebrate at the promise. A promise of healing and health from God is a sure thing and enough reason to celebrate. We need to celebrate at the promise of God because His word is true. All we need to do is believe His promises and we will see them come to pass. You cannot praise God while you’re focusing on the problem and so stop focusing on the problem and stop complaining about the problem and start praising God for the promise that you have! Faith will be strengthened in your life!
Faith doesn’t go about whining and complaining and hoping and wishing. We are believers with promises from God. Faith doesn’t hold two opinions on a matter that God’s Word settles. If God’s Word says it we choose to believe it. Faith holds to one opinion – God’s Word!


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