Celebrating Impact: Rooted Discipleship Guide

Celebrating Impact: Rooted Discipleship Guide

Celebrating Impact: Rooted Discipleship Guide


Rooted is a discipleship tool that was created to help unbelievers come to know Jesus and His unconditional love and grace, and to help believers grow in their relationship with God. It contains 21 lessons with questions and answers covering essential topics for the “grace life” (aka Christian life). It includes a bonus study on the vital topic of the sovereignty of God.


The Rooted Discipleship Guide is perfect for individual Bible study and for group study. Rooted has been translated into Albanian. Afrikaans and Portuguese translations are currently being finalized. Rooted has been used throughout South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Albania, Germany, USA, Holland, UK, and Brazil.


Here are some recent testimonies of people being impacted by Rooted.




Name: Brett Davids
Lives in: Stellenbosch
Completed Rooted: December 2016
Discipled by: Janno van Graan


“Rooted has impacted me tremendously. Knowing the truth about God and His thoughts and intentions for me has caused me to live a life that influences and encourages others through love and compassion, because He loves me. Although I still face trials, my focus is on God and He has shown me grace and mercy that causes me not to be controlled by my negative, hurtful circumstances. The course has given me a clearer understanding of God’s character, and thus my own character.


I would like to thank the partners at GraceLife for investing into changing the lives of others, for eternity. I’m grateful to be part of a local church that encourages, supports and guides their members in a loving way.”



Name: Jamie Waller
Lives in: Stellenbosch
Started Rooted: Early 2016
Discipled by: Moira Lotz


“The most valuable thing I learnt from Rooted was that it showed me how much God wanted a relationship with me and that the way I approach him now is different. Rooted plays a fundamental role in knowing God, having a relationship with him and knowing who we are in God.


I’d like to thank the partners of Gracelife for investing in helping to build people’s relationship with God. Everyone I have brought to church had been given Rooted by Shayne as a gift. In total, I think that is three people.”




Thuleka Casa

Name: Thuleka Casa
Lives in: Mbekweni, Paarl
Discipled by: Halyey Holesgrove
Completed Rooted course: 2016


“The session that stood out for me the most was ‘True nature of God’. As I grew up as a Christian, I never knew that God is not angry with me and all my sins has been paid for: past, present and future.


Every chapter was clear and based on scriptures with simple explanations. My life has been changed in an amazing way and I no longer live under condemnation. I now know that God has created me with specific talents, skills and abilities that I can use to help and add value to His Body.


I would to say to all the partners: keep up the support – through your giving you are changing the world!”





Name: Du Toit Botha
Lives in: Somerset West
Did Rooted: In progress
Discipled by: Christiaan Benadie


Watch this short video that is testament of a life transforming by the love of God!





Name: Rowan Everts
Lives in: Breda, Netherlands
Completed Rooted: 2016
Currently discipling girlfriend


“Every Rooted lesson is a refreshing reminder of what I have heard in church already. It is a great tool to have and is filled with valuable knowledge of everything about growing in your relationship with God. Thank you Gracelife partners for your faithfulness. Investing in people’s lives and the Kingdom of God is a privilege, keep up the good work!”



Thanks to the love and support of our partners, resources such as the Rooted Discipleship Guide draws people not just closer to God, but also closer together.

