Sir Lowry’s Outreach



We recently had an opportunity to share the Gospel to the people of Sir Lowry’s Pass village. Four of us teamed up with three locals from the village so we could split up into three groups and worked our way through the streets going house to house.


We arrived at a friend’ house to find a group of men (young to old) gathered around and socialising. The lady that took us around was very bold and started to declare the goodness of our God to them and then handed over to another team mate.


While listing to the good news, one man decided to stand up to ask for prayer for his ear. He had an infection and was barely able to hear us speak and wanted to hear what we had to say. So we prayed for his ear, it improved but not much, so we left him and continued our way into the home to pray with the friends.


After about 40 minutes of ministry, where we received amazing words of knowledge, we came out of the home to find our friend completely healed of his ear infection and rejoicing. He rejoiced so much that he showed us where he lived and wanted us to come pray for the whole family. At the end of the outreach we exchanged testimonies with the other groups. Between the members of the team, there was about 10 healings and 3 salvations!


One healing was even a lame person walking! Praise Jesus! The gospel is so simple, it is Christ walking in us, when we touch people it is Jesus touching them. We have the honour of representing our Lord and Saviour to the World. The three locals now decided to do their own outreaches on Tuesdays. Now that is lasting fruit!

